Anti-Aging Face Care: Techniques to Maintain Youthful Skin

Anti-Aging Face Care: Techniques to Maintain Youthful Skin

With the increase in age, there is a change in the skin & have you ever thought about how to keep your skin looking beautiful & young as you grow older? Well, most of us want to have youthful & healthy skin that makes us feel more happy & confident. So we’ve good news for you now you can get younger-looking skin without any costly treatments or magic potions. By following the below simple lifestyle habits you can take good care of your skin and keep it looking youthful & radiant.

Here we will be going to discuss a few simple techniques to maintain your skin as you age. Along with that, these recommendations are for every age group that is from 20s to 60s. 

With our below-mentioned guide, you can preserve the natural attractiveness of your skin & prevent it from ageing but before that let’s understand how skin ages over time. 

How Skin Ages Over Time?

With every passing year, Our skin also goes through various changes which is very natural. The cells of our skin don't renew with such speed the way they used to which leads to various skin concerns such as dryness, fine lines, and a loss of younger-looking plumpness. And this is truly a natural process just like a growing flower that gradually wilts. This process of ageing is something that we all go through.

Premature aging can be increased or caused by a variety of factors and it's very crucial to be aware of how to maintain healthy & youthful skin. Below are some of the vital factors that can lead to premature aging:

  1. Dehydration due to insufficient intake of water 
  2. High level of stress
  3. Lack of hygiene & proper face care 
  4. Excessive exposure to the sun without protection
  5. Over-smoking & exposure to someone doing smokes
  6. A poor diet that doesn't contain vital nutrients
  7. Environmental toxins & pollutants 
  8. Overuse of alcohol
  9. Inadequate rest & sleep 
  10. Family history & genetics of premature ageing.

The scientific reason behind ageing is that it happens due to two main things which include collagen breaking down & UV damage. 

Collagen works to keep the skin tight and as our age increases it breaks down which causes wrinkles & sagging on skin. On the other hand, the sun's UV rays speed up this process & can lead to sunspots. 

So, to maintain the skin it’s important to protect the skin from the sun & also use such face care products that help boost collagen which will help keep your skin young looking.

With Fun Formulae best face wash, you can maintain your skin at its best.

Lifestyle Factors for Youthful Skin

Lifestyle factors have a huge impact on our skin so it’s very crucial to consider these factors because we may not realize how important these habits are for the skin. These factors affect your skin to a great extent. For example, you forget to use sunscreen, eat unhealthy or junk food, or stay up late.

We should never forget how important it is to remember that taking care of our skin with good habits can improve our skin appearance & feel as we get older. Below are some of the crucial lifestyle habits that we should follow for a youthful skin:

  • Eat a Balanced Diet: For a healthy skin, a diet plays a major role so take a diet that is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. These nutrients from diet can help prevent free radicals & maintain healthy skin.
  • Stay Hydrated: For keeping hydrated skin, drink plenty of water as Proper hydration can help in maintaining the suppleness & elasticity of the skin.
  • Quit Smoking & Alcohol: Your skin looks older due to Smoking as well as it can lead to wrinkles & dull skin. So try to avoid smoking as it can improve appearance & overall health of the skin. Along with that, over consumption of alcohol can dehydrate the skin which can cause inflammation. Try to avoid alcohol consumption or choose non-alcoholic drinks to get the best skin.
  • Get proper amount of Sleep: A sound sleep is very necessary for us as it repairs & regenerates your skin. Try to get 7-9 hours of proper sleep each night.
  • Manage Stress: Stress is also one of the main causes which can lead to skin issues such as acne & premature aging. So if you want to live stress-free do meditation, yoga, or deep breathing it can help reduce stress.
  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity on a regular basis can help improve circulation which can boost the oxygen to your skin & it also helps reduce stress.


Remember that good skincare begins with a combination of above lifestyle factors & with a proper face care routine which can help you attain & maintain youthful-looking skin. And with Fun Formulae skincare products, you can achieve healthy youthful skin with Fun Formulae face scrub & best face pack for oily skin.