Essential Oils for Acne-Prone Skin: Funformulae's Natural Solutions

Essential Oils for Acne-Prone Skin: Funformulae's Natural Solutions

Acne is a very common skin issue that most people face around the world. This issue not only affects your personality but also impacts your self-esteem. To treat acne-prone skin it’s very necessary to understand its causes & effective treatment options so that you can get spotless & healthy skin.

What Causes Acne? 

Acne is a skin concern that arises from a variety of factors which includes the following:- 

  1. Imbalance in Hormones: Changes in hormone levels, especially during the period of puberty or menstruation can stimulate excess production of oil which leads to acne.
  2. Excessive Production of Sebum: Huge production of sebum by the sebaceous glands can clog your skin pores which lead to acne.
  3. Bacterial Infection: Due to clogged pores bacteria gets stuck on the surface of the skin which often leads to acne. This can cause skin inflammation & acne lesions.
  4. Genetic disorder: Some people have acne issues inherently as well with certain genetic factors influencing the production of sebum & pore size.
  5. Improper Diet: If you’re someone who intake dairy products excessively then also it may increase the acne by triggering inflammation & hormonal changes.
  6. Environmental Factors: Variety of environmental factors like Pollution, humidity, and some skincare products can also lead to acne by clogging skin pores.

After exploring a variety of acne causes it is very essential to understand how we can treat them with Fun Formulae skincare products that contain amazing essential oils. 

Essential oils for acne-prone skin with Fun Formulae Skincare Solutions

Fun Formulae offers a variety of face care products like face wash, face toner, face scrub, sunscreen, and few more that contain essential oils as these products are organic and safe to use. So below we’ve shared few essential oils that are used in Fun Formulae face care Products and works great for to use essential oils for acne treatment, you could try some of the following:

  • Neroli oil 

Neroli oil is an amazing essential oil for skin as it not just improves your skin appearance along with offering protection. This oil can help you fight with a variety of bacteria which makes it ideal for treating bacterial skin conditions & rashes. You can add Fun Formulae Face Toner to your skincare routine as it contains neroli oil & shields your skin against potential skin issues which keeps your skin clear & healthy.

  • Thyme oil 

Thyme oil is an essential oil that effectively kills the bacteria that is responsible for acne. Fun Formulae offers organic face serum that contains thyme essential oil that has a greater antibacterial effect which helps in treating acne issues.

  • Peppermint Oil

One of the soothing essential oils for skin that is peppermint oil is one of the oils that offers cooling effects along with antibacterial properties. This oil is also naturally antiseptic & antimicrobial which makes it an ideal cleanser ingredient for people having oily, acne-prone, and inflamed skin.

Fun Formulae face scrub & face pack contains peppermint essential oil that contains menthol that helps in treating acne to a great extent.

  • Oregano oil 

Oregano oil is said to be an even better option for preventing acne as this essential oil is very effective. 

Fun Formulae products offer amazing face serum that contains oregano oil that helps in tackling acne spots which may help in clearing up pimples.

  • Geranium Oil

The major cause of Acne is bacteria and the bacteria gets clogged into the skin pores which in term causes whiteheads, pimples, and blackheads by getting mixed with sebum. Sebum is the oil that is produced by the skin and geranium oil is an essential oil that has antiseptic & antibacterial properties.

This essential oil regulates the sebum production of the skin and helps in preventing acne breakouts. Fun Formulae offer face toner that has the ability to regulate the sebum production which makes it an amazing choice to treat oily skin.

Another best thing that is tackled by this essential oil is the hormonal imbalance issue. Imbalance in hormones like progesterone, estrogen, and insulin, can lead to acne breakouts. Whereas, geranium oil is widely known to stabilize the hormones.

  • Clove oil 

This essential oil is there to rescue from Acne as clove Essential Oil has known greatly to be a natural remedy for treating acne, pimples and many other skin issues as it has antimicrobial properties.

You can also use Fun Formulae Face Wash as it contains the content of clove oil that can help you in the reduction of acne. 


Fun Formulae offers amazing skincare & haircare products that contain a variety of essential oils. These products help you in achieving spotless and radiant skin naturally.